• Attendance


Absence from School

It is necessary for the school to know why a child is absent from school. Please telephone the school as soon as possible. We would ask that parents ensure the child is well enough to cope with a full day at school before he/she returns after an illness. In the case of sickness and diarrhoea, children should be kept at home until they have been clear for at least 48 hours. If for any reason your child needs to stay in at break-time or to be excused from PE, games or swimming, please send a note to the teacher explaining the circumstances.

From the 1st September, 2013, schools are required to refuse requests for holiday absence in term time. Headteachers may grant leave of absence in exceptional circumstances. If you believe that your circumstances are exceptional you can make a request to school. In considering a request, the school will take into account the child’s age, the time of year of the absence, and the nature of the visit. The Headteacher will also consider the child’s stage of education and progress and the child’s overall attendance record. Headteachers will not authorise absence unless they believe your circumstances to be exceptional. Any holiday or event which can be arranged during school holiday periods will NOT be authorised during school term.